Urinetown is a social and political satire set in a fictional future where a terrible 20-year drought has crippled the city’s water supplies. Water is so scarce that the government has enforced a ban on all private toilets in an effort to control water consumption.
The citizens must now use the public, pay-per-use amenities owned and operated by Urine Good Company (UGC) – a private malevolent corporation run by the corrupt Caldwell B. Cladwell. Citizens who try to circumvent the peeing-fee by relieving themselves in the bushes risk being taken away to ‘Urinetown’, a mysterious place where many have been sent but no one ever returns.
The oppressed masses huddle in line at the poorest, filthiest urinal in town, Public Amenity #9. This is run by the rigid, harshly authoritarian Penelope Pennywise and her assistant, dashing young rebel Bobby Strong. With fee increases in the pipeline, the poor rise up under the leadership of Bobby to fight the tyrannical regime for the right to make the public amenities free for all to use
When: 2nd – 4th June 2016
Where: The Unity Theatre